These are just a few notes I took down in evening times at the cabin, when I don't have internet. I decided to put them here, but bear in mind that they are just like bullet point notes. :)
This has been such a bonding time for Zion and Noah. Zion's very protective of Noah. If one of the other kids wants to play with him, or help him walk, or feed him a glass of water, Zion wants to be the one to do it. Tonight it rained while we were eating dinner outside. Zion was very concerned about Noah. He did not want him to sit in the rain or get wet, then when we moved Noahs highchair and Zion hadn't seen where it went, he very worriedly asked, "where's Noah?", then was relieved to find him safe and well. Zion loves to share his cars with his little brother, he looks out for him and tries not to let him put things, especially something small, into his mouth. He warns me when Noah tries to escape out the front door or if he has scurried up the flight of stairs. He tries to make Noah happy when driving in the car by singing or playing or holding hands (which usually ends up in a big scream fest.) they wrestle. Zion has started to encourage Noah to walk the way I do and will crouch down and hold his arms out to catch his learning lad.
Community has its benefits because there are so many hands to help. You can be eating, then when you finally return to the kitchen, find it already back in it's original state with everything put away. What a wonderful feeling for a mama who made the meal, then dealt with her little ones. Cleaning up is a treat when its done for you.
Zion always had a song on his lips. And it is usually one about the lord, singing hallelujah or "Thank You Father" for his blessings at mealtime. I love that.
Natanel and I have had time to have focused conversations trying to improve upon our communication. It's been difficult at times, but I think we are learning a lot. We hope so. We are reading "a Severe Mercy" together. It has helped us reanalyze our dreams, reawakened a desire to live simply on a boat and given us a new passion for our relationship. Much more, too. Like always looking for beauty in life. Poetry or music or the sky or good people (like David and marionette, being with them is like reading a really good book).
I got a tick. No thank you! It was so tiny and on my lower leg. We had just returned from a walk about the woods, so that made sense, but then I became so paranoid.
Shabbat has truly been a rest, or at least a nice family time, really nice. Life with kids is not that restful, or at least relaxing, but nap time is, so thats fine.
The english speaking church ( was welcoming and life giving for us. Zion stayed easily in the nursery (called a cresh?) and people kept commenting to me that they were impressed with his comfort and adaptability. Its a blessing cuz he was not this way before. Noah also, although not wanting to be apart from me, always has a smile on his face for the person saying hello to him. We were with the Singers all day and Marionette was so impressed by his disposition. She commented to the rabbis wife who came by in the evening about how sweet and gorgeous Noah had been always. The lord is good and is letting our children be a blessing, which is what we pray for.
Natanel and I both feel alive and fulfilled when we explore or find something beautiful, especially with interesting people who are enjoying life. The only thing is that these are the people who are striving to "enjoy" life...thru juggling, dancing, drumming, capoeria, picnicing in the park, but they are empty, needing the enjoyment that can only come thru the giving of our creator Himself. But we are drawn. And we are learning to let the love of God pour out to others thru us. We drove by the opposite side of lake Geneva's waterfront and heard people playing music and dancing. We parked and explored the lovely park at dusk and then bonded over some Cuban good times. I met a pregnant woman named Divina. She wants a home birth with this second baby, but no one is supporting her. I missed some key opportunities to open up myself to her, but maybe we'll return next Sunday.
Noah is in need of discipline now. "The rod" is greatly employed here. Well, at least in theory. We want to learn how to recognize the state of our children's hearts and then address behaviors. Attitudes need to be addressed as much as actions.
It's hard to accurately understand whats happening in conflicts with kids unless you take the time to stay with them and observe the interactions. Otherwise, we walk in on screaming or tattling and have no idea of the background of what happened. Therefore, it is so important to be in relationship with your kids in order to really know what's happening and how to best react or respond to the small crisis. Zion is so enthusiastic and wants to jump right in, but the others were not so welcoming at times to Zion's ideas or ways of excitement, or even just trying to be a part of them. So he got blamed a lot, but when we would spend more time around all the kids together, we then could know what went on.
Mattias, the pastor from a thriving, modern church like mars hill or something, shared that courage and rest are 2 values that touch the heart of god. Courage is a reflection of faith, and faith is a reflection of humility. Like david...he did not put himself in the position of comparing himself to goliath, but he compared goliath to his god! And jesus had rest, he was independent of his circumstances. He could sleep thru a frightening storm. The bible says (Hebrews?) there is a place of rest for the people of god, and we are told to pursue it. Sin is missing the goal. If we don't pursue the goal and find gods presence of peace, then we have problems...we become victims of circumstances. Stress is a problem. Its an indicator that you are not trusting god because there is an evident lack of peace.
The 10 commandments, they are for us, not for god.