Monday, April 25, 2011
A glimpse

Exploring the old city of Geneva.

Where's my handsome husband?

The cathedral.

L'Abri! And the home behind us is where my parents were welcomed to stay by the Schaeffers.

Chalet Bellevue.

The Slobodkins know why I took this photo. Abba, maybe you can post the original?

The very place my mom was "brainwashed" , as her parents thought.

The chapel and the magnificence (and my guys).


Ready for Pesach Seder.

Blood. may lick your fingers.

Natanel reading the maggid.

The main dish, our passover lamb. :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Shabbat at the Park

Last shabbat we had an outing with the boys. We took them on an exploration of the Swiss countryside. After winding up through charming little villages and vineyard covered hillside we reached our destination, "Bougy Villars." It was a park for the kids to play at, but not just any park, it was a Swiss park. Oh my! Play toys I have never seen or thought of. Zion's eyes lit up with excitement and said "Is this a park? For me to play at?." He raced into the fray of children: up ladders, across rope bridges, through towers, then he reached his destination... 'A Slide.' He would pass structures and say, "Abba what's that called?" "I don't know", I would say. "Abba tell me something." So I would have to make up a name for each new thing that caught his attention. He went on zip-lines, a merry-go-round type thing, a car, a mini maze and then he settled on the swings and stayed there. How strange a thing, at this amazing park with all these different type of toys and options of things to do, the most joy he received was from the swings and the slide. And of all the beautiful countryside that we saw today he will probably only remember the bells that the cow were wearing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sowing and Reaping
An Austrian lady came and spoke about all the work that she is doing in the African country of Mali, and I feel that my eyes have been opened. I give her most of the credit because she was sharing moving information, but really it was probably a collective effort of the things happening in my life that developed slowly over the years and really have been taking shape over the past few days. She begins to explain all the work that she is doing, peaching to the villages and taking in the local street kids that are really taken advantage of in truly unspeakable ways. She has already built a couple of houses for the children to educate and disciple. God is really moving and changing things there. The reality on the ground is that they hardly ever have more then one-third of the finances they need before the due date, then even more striking is that their biggest hinderance is not the persecution of others, but the lack of trustworthy people to help. It takes time to raise up native leaders who are actually discipled and have biblical integrity she explains. So, there is no more reaching out to other villages all because there are not enough helpers. How crazy! It isn't the lack of finances (God always makes a way, even though that shouldn't be a factor, with the number of churches and the wealth in the US and Europe), it isn't the lack of healings, or even closed doors... but our lack of us wanting to step out into that "faith place" that is really stopping the kingdom from advancing. The harvest is ripe and the fields are ready. Now may we be ready to hear His call.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Charming and not so charming
Life here has really been going by fast. And I just want to say that care taking of children definitely trumps any other daily activity. Life is consumed with meeting the needs of little ones no matter what part of the world you live in.

For example, today we were supposed to begin the garden, which everyone did...except for me. I was confined to the house desperately trying to get my children to sleep during nap time.
I knew it wouldn't be easier here, perhaps even harder, even though there are four other kids.

But I guess sometimes I'd just like a vacation. This is not a vacation. This is not even where I feel like I would choose to be. I find myself feeling awkward a lot of the time, trying to not be just guests, but also not having invested the same amount as all the others here. But this is where we are supposed to be, so I am choosing to trust the Lord and believe Him for meeting all other needs. God is changing so much in my heart already. I am a work in progress. We all are. And I am grateful for this time to set apart concentrated effort on cultivating the garden of my heart. So that my life will bear much fruit and be a beautiful thing to behold.

On the way to the train.

Exploring the city of Gex

Street market in Divonne Les Bain

Exploring Geneva.

For example, today we were supposed to begin the garden, which everyone did...except for me. I was confined to the house desperately trying to get my children to sleep during nap time.
I knew it wouldn't be easier here, perhaps even harder, even though there are four other kids.

But I guess sometimes I'd just like a vacation. This is not a vacation. This is not even where I feel like I would choose to be. I find myself feeling awkward a lot of the time, trying to not be just guests, but also not having invested the same amount as all the others here. But this is where we are supposed to be, so I am choosing to trust the Lord and believe Him for meeting all other needs. God is changing so much in my heart already. I am a work in progress. We all are. And I am grateful for this time to set apart concentrated effort on cultivating the garden of my heart. So that my life will bear much fruit and be a beautiful thing to behold.

On the way to the train.

Exploring the city of Gex

Street market in Divonne Les Bain

Exploring Geneva.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Daily life
Our days here so far have had the same format. We are staying about 15 min away from the gateways home in a little cabin at a campsite in France. We have been graciously given a minivan to use for this week while we are staying further away. This is a temporary setup. We are all feeling like there is something better for us and more suited for our stay, but it's a blessing to be here none the less. There is a little park that Zion can play at. It has a teeter totter that Noah just loves to do with Zion. Those boys sure are playmates! In the cabin is a little tiny room that i pushed the beds together and created a play space for the baby. What it turned into is a wrestling zone. What happens is Zion will hide under his covers, and then Noah takes his cue to attack. He bites Zion thru the blankets and then they wrestle it out with squeals of exhilaration and laughter. They are hilarious, and quite rough. Noah sure has toughened up so much...he used to be way more sensitive until he realized Zion was just always going to be around. Ha! We also can have some alone time as a family and we've been cooking breakfast and a few dinners on our own. The rest of time we have lunch together at the Base, we had a birthday dinner for Noah with chocolate chip cookies as dessert, and then Erev Shabbat dinner together. Each morning we meet at either 9:00 or 11:00 am and sing in worship for a while. After about 30- 45 min of worship, the kids go out with some person. We all rotate. I will be taking the children on tuesday mornings. Then we have lunch, put the kiddos down for naps in various places in the house, and then regather for a bit of teaching. Boy, do I love nap time!
When we arrived, the first person here ministering was a Pastor from Texas. then came an Ancient Paths seminar from Sunday to Tuesday. And today, Wednesday, a Pastor from Israel came to give an exhortation.

This morning we didn't gather until 11:00, so we Latimers ventured into the little town of Divvone Les Bain. It is a very wealthy little place, but so charming! Europe is so charming!! We walked down an alley and discovered the most amazing rushing river flowing right thru the homes and old buildings. It was probably only 7 feet wide, but it had power and beauty. There was no river bank because it was right upon the old stones and brick of the homes. It was so cool. And then I partook of my first pain au chocolate. My first of many, might I add. I must admit I have a knack for finding bakeries. I spotted it right off as we arrived. :) Also, we have seen a number of little ones riding bikes just like Zion's wooden one. He wants to ride his too, and asked today as we drove past a park if I had it in our trunk. Oh! I wish I did! He is so cute.
There are plans to begin the garden, but there has not been time to do so yet. Soon, very soon.
We wish whomever maybe reading this au revoir! and much peace of God to be with you.
When we arrived, the first person here ministering was a Pastor from Texas. then came an Ancient Paths seminar from Sunday to Tuesday. And today, Wednesday, a Pastor from Israel came to give an exhortation.

This morning we didn't gather until 11:00, so we Latimers ventured into the little town of Divvone Les Bain. It is a very wealthy little place, but so charming! Europe is so charming!! We walked down an alley and discovered the most amazing rushing river flowing right thru the homes and old buildings. It was probably only 7 feet wide, but it had power and beauty. There was no river bank because it was right upon the old stones and brick of the homes. It was so cool. And then I partook of my first pain au chocolate. My first of many, might I add. I must admit I have a knack for finding bakeries. I spotted it right off as we arrived. :) Also, we have seen a number of little ones riding bikes just like Zion's wooden one. He wants to ride his too, and asked today as we drove past a park if I had it in our trunk. Oh! I wish I did! He is so cute.
There are plans to begin the garden, but there has not been time to do so yet. Soon, very soon.
We wish whomever maybe reading this au revoir! and much peace of God to be with you.
Monday, April 4, 2011

We have now been in beautiful Geneva for 5 full days. It is very beautiful...very similar to Seattle in climate and flora, just more charming and old. :) We had a very blessed time of travel. It started with a 4:00 am wake up call, which I was expecting to drag grumpy, sleepy kids into the car, but a miracle occured! At 3:45 both boys woke up with the most joyful spirits! They were excited to be at the airport, eager for the plane to board. Our first flight from Seattle to Newark was overbooked and Zion, Natanel and I all had separate seats. But someone switched so that Zion and Natanel could sit together and then Noah was with me. Noah nursed upon takeoff and as soon as we were in the air he was fast asleep. another blessing!! Zion also snuggled up with his Abba and fell alsleep after some excitement wore off. When Noah woke up, he made friends with a little 13 year old girl behind us. She was from Maple Valley and I should have gotten her info to have her over to babysit! Noah just loved her, and vice versa.

Our second flight from Newark to Geneva was another miracle...we purposely boarded as last as we possibly could and when we entered the plane it was so empty! We practically had our pick of seats. So even though the boys didn't sleep (ah!!) we had room to lounge and roam. I would send Zion up and down the aisles doing laps. And he was funny because he would watch the movies on the back of the headrest but he didn't want to use the headphones. But I didn't care, as long as he was entertained.
We approached Geneva at sunrise with the alps illuminated with color. It was breathtaking. Honestly though, we are so blessed to live in the northwest because it was a view that I have seen at times I our mountains. Majestic mountains. Fro the Gateways base home here, you can catch a glimpse of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps.

We had our host waiting for us at the airport and were wisked away to worship with everyone at 9 am. More to come on what we have been up to each day...I am not so savvy on how to be uploading frequently, but I will work on it. I have much to share. Pictures to come as well.
Love from Geneva!
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