Our days here so far have had the same format. We are staying about 15 min away from the gateways home in a little cabin at a campsite in France. We have been graciously given a minivan to use for this week while we are staying further away. This is a temporary setup. We are all feeling like there is something better for us and more suited for our stay, but it's a blessing to be here none the less. There is a little park that Zion can play at. It has a teeter totter that Noah just loves to do with Zion. Those boys sure are playmates! In the cabin is a little tiny room that i pushed the beds together and created a play space for the baby. What it turned into is a wrestling zone. What happens is Zion will hide under his covers, and then Noah takes his cue to attack. He bites Zion thru the blankets and then they wrestle it out with squeals of exhilaration and laughter. They are hilarious, and quite rough. Noah sure has toughened up so much...he used to be way more sensitive until he realized Zion was just always going to be around. Ha! We also can have some alone time as a family and we've been cooking breakfast and a few dinners on our own. The rest of time we have lunch together at the Base, we had a birthday dinner for Noah with chocolate chip cookies as dessert, and then Erev Shabbat dinner together. Each morning we meet at either 9:00 or 11:00 am and sing in worship for a while. After about 30- 45 min of worship, the kids go out with some person. We all rotate. I will be taking the children on tuesday mornings. Then we have lunch, put the kiddos down for naps in various places in the house, and then regather for a bit of teaching. Boy, do I love nap time!
When we arrived, the first person here ministering was a Pastor from Texas. then came an Ancient Paths seminar from Sunday to Tuesday. And today, Wednesday, a Pastor from Israel came to give an exhortation.

This morning we didn't gather until 11:00, so we Latimers ventured into the little town of Divvone Les Bain. It is a very wealthy little place, but so charming! Europe is so charming!! We walked down an alley and discovered the most amazing rushing river flowing right thru the homes and old buildings. It was probably only 7 feet wide, but it had power and beauty. There was no river bank because it was right upon the old stones and brick of the homes. It was so cool. And then I partook of my first pain au chocolate. My first of many, might I add. I must admit I have a knack for finding bakeries. I spotted it right off as we arrived. :) Also, we have seen a number of little ones riding bikes just like Zion's wooden one. He wants to ride his too, and asked today as we drove past a park if I had it in our trunk. Oh! I wish I did! He is so cute.
There are plans to begin the garden, but there has not been time to do so yet. Soon, very soon.
We wish whomever maybe reading this au revoir! and much peace of God to be with you.
So much fun. Remember, we lived 6 months in that part of Switzerland... a long time ago. I have so many wonderful memories. Enjoy this time. Keep an eye out for your boys. Enjoy this pregnancy and may the baby in your womb grow strong and joyful, like you. Now all we need is some pics.
Abba / Sabba
When are we going to Skype?
sounds fun! glad you guys are adjusting well... want me to bring the bike?;)
yum!! pain au chocolate... I want some! you should bring some back!
thanks for keeping us posted, your parents are going crazy without you (lol!) bye for now!
Erev Shabbat Shalom, to you all!
You must be enjoying all of the beautiful weather in the Alps in the springtime. I hope that you don't have any allergies.
You are blessed to have boys who are compatable and adaptable, like their Mama and Abba. They are so much fun.
How is your French? Parlez vous francias?
Have you contacted Marinette and David?
Abba and I visited with Sarah/Virginia at the Slobodkins Jr.'s house. It was good to see her.
Give the boys hugs and kisses from Bubbe.
I love and miss you.
the last entry was from Emma/Bubbe.
Trying to get Emma's name included in this string.
This is getting weird. I can't log out, and I can't log Emma in.
One more time and I'm done for now.
OK. This is Abba. One more time and I'm really done.
yeah. finally. Bon nuit.
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