We have now been in beautiful Geneva for 5 full days. It is very beautiful...very similar to Seattle in climate and flora, just more charming and old. :) We had a very blessed time of travel. It started with a 4:00 am wake up call, which I was expecting to drag grumpy, sleepy kids into the car, but a miracle occured! At 3:45 both boys woke up with the most joyful spirits! They were excited to be at the airport, eager for the plane to board. Our first flight from Seattle to Newark was overbooked and Zion, Natanel and I all had separate seats. But someone switched so that Zion and Natanel could sit together and then Noah was with me. Noah nursed upon takeoff and as soon as we were in the air he was fast asleep. another blessing!! Zion also snuggled up with his Abba and fell alsleep after some excitement wore off. When Noah woke up, he made friends with a little 13 year old girl behind us. She was from Maple Valley and I should have gotten her info to have her over to babysit! Noah just loved her, and vice versa.

Our second flight from Newark to Geneva was another miracle...we purposely boarded as last as we possibly could and when we entered the plane it was so empty! We practically had our pick of seats. So even though the boys didn't sleep (ah!!) we had room to lounge and roam. I would send Zion up and down the aisles doing laps. And he was funny because he would watch the movies on the back of the headrest but he didn't want to use the headphones. But I didn't care, as long as he was entertained.
We approached Geneva at sunrise with the alps illuminated with color. It was breathtaking. Honestly though, we are so blessed to live in the northwest because it was a view that I have seen at times I our mountains. Majestic mountains. Fro the Gateways base home here, you can catch a glimpse of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps.

We had our host waiting for us at the airport and were wisked away to worship with everyone at 9 am. More to come on what we have been up to each day...I am not so savvy on how to be uploading frequently, but I will work on it. I have much to share. Pictures to come as well.
Love from Geneva!
Awesome stories ... Can't wait to see pics. Glad u guys are doing well and thanks for keeping us posted.
Yeah you made it & are going to blog about it! love you latimers! can't wait to see & hear more about your swiss time.
Dear Leeskie,
What a joy to wake up this morning to a post from you. We love you all so much, that being apart has been hard, but we know you are OK and doing God's will for your lives. Continue to put Him first and love Him, and all things will work for the good.
We are well. The sun is peaking through the clouds and spring has sprung. (Have you heard about the new drink: Drank?) I'm off to record some radio programs in Seattle, so more later. We NEED to Skype soon.
Love ya,
Shalom to all of you lovely Latimers! I am thrilled to hear of your adventures and to see the hand of God upon you all. The joy of the Lord is in your hearts, which makes traveling to new places fun and exciting for you.
Keep the posts coming, along with lots of photos of those handsome boys. Your family which is "left behind" misses you so much.
I love you. Emma/Bubbe
Now that April 6th is coming to a close, the "spring has sprung" comment has been replaced with "winter witurned" with a hail and snow storm in early evening. We got 2" of snow at home. It was crazy.
We had dinner tonight with Izzy, Caro, Arielle... and Sarah/Virginia at the other Slobodkins home. A sweet time. Then we watched "The Finger of God" about miracles happening all over the world. Awesome.
We love and miss you all.
Abba / Sabba
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