Last shabbat we had an outing with the boys. We took them on an exploration of the Swiss countryside. After winding up through charming little villages and vineyard covered hillside we reached our destination, "Bougy Villars." It was a park for the kids to play at, but not just any park, it was a Swiss park. Oh my! Play toys I have never seen or thought of. Zion's eyes lit up with excitement and said "Is this a park? For me to play at?." He raced into the fray of children: up ladders, across rope bridges, through towers, then he reached his destination... 'A Slide.' He would pass structures and say, "Abba what's that called?" "I don't know", I would say. "Abba tell me something." So I would have to make up a name for each new thing that caught his attention. He went on zip-lines, a merry-go-round type thing, a car, a mini maze and then he settled on the swings and stayed there. How strange a thing, at this amazing park with all these different type of toys and options of things to do, the most joy he received was from the swings and the slide. And of all the beautiful countryside that we saw today he will probably only remember the bells that the cow were wearing.

It is a joy to see those beautiful boys with smiles on their faces enjoying the beauty and warmth of the Swiss Alps. Swings and slides are universal in their appeal to children. They are good for brain development as well.
The vineyards look like Whidbey Island. I have fond memories of the cowsbells ringing in Switzerland from 40 years ago!
I am glad that you had the opportunity to take a family outing to explore your surroundings.
May the adventures of Swiss Family Latimer continue...
Wish I could be there with you! I think it's time to deliver another round of hugs and kisses from Auntie Hahnna.
Well it has always been amazing that from life that I know it, give kids all the toys they want and they are still happiest in the kitchen with the pots and pans and a spoon. Go figure. Have fun Latimers.
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