Sunday, April 29, 2012

You've got your hands full

Oh boy. If I could have a nickel for every time a passerby has looked at me and said, "You sure do have your hands full!" then I would be a rich lady (or at least able to buy a shaved ice). At first i was like, "yeah, I sure do!" because it's true! I do. Literally. But then it started to bug me. Yes, I'm kinda young. Yes, they are all boys. And yes, they are all mine. But we are doing just fine. Most of the time. I admit they are full of endless energy and they love each other as much as they fight with one another, but I am trying to reframe my response to say, "yeah. full of joy!" I want to speak into existence the things that need cultivating. So I declare that children are a blessing. And then I add, "and I have a very helpful husband."


Abba-Sabba said...

Better hands full than empty.

Rita / Emma / Bubbe said...

I love reading your posts. Keep them coming! You sure have your hands full of JOY. I can entertain the boys on Skype and read stories and sing songs. It is babysitting through cybersapce. It looks like you are spending 30 days in paradise. Enjoy these precious moments. I love you all.