Saturday, April 20, 2013

An Unexpected Journey - Sicily

So it isn't that we didn't know where we were headed, but we didn't know exactly the process and the different stops along the way that we would take to arrive there. So we bought our tickets three days ago to Sicily, Italy.

From the moment we arrived at the airport we felt His favor. A man noticed us and rushed us to the front of the line (one benefit of having children). A whole row of seats together on a plane without assigned seats. A woman which whom Naphtali loved and wanted to hold him the whole time, two grandmas who where in love with him and a man whom he would try to play games with even though he was asleep.

As we exited the terminal a man was unexpectedly waiting with a sign with our names on it and drove us straight to the apartment. Wow!

- The Latimer's

1 comment:

burtihal said...

May I borrow your baby for my next trip? sounds like he came in pretty handy! :-) Please do not stop posting. I love this. I love you all.